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From the class of 1969, Larry Levinson, with his guest (and now honorary Jerichonian) Betty Cohen. Larry, an attorney, collects vintage cars and was the first Jericho grad to attend Princeton University.


Past reunions have drawn as many as sixteen teachers, but those

were held in the afternoon. We knew we probably wouldn't see

many teachers on a Saturday night—what with Lawrence Welk reruns

on cable and everything—but what we lacked in quantity we made up

for in quality. Here is Mr. Robert Hoffman and Celia Felsher.




The joint is starting to fill up ...


Lori Nelson Shuster and Gail Spiegel Cohen flank Dale Krakow Rothfeld. Lori and Gail are almost neighbors in Westchester County (Pleasantville and Bedford, respectively), while Dale lives in Hampton, New Jersey.


  Cynthia Greenberg Giusti and Amy Lubow Downs. Cynthia moved to California not long after we graduated. She flew in to attend her first reunion ever. (Under those conditions, we'd need a drink too! Make that several.) Behind them, at left, is Dianne Oliva from the class of '74.  

There is Amy again, in back of Jeff Putterman, Eileen Marder, and Ira Katz.



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